Fitness is a state of physical and mental well being that can achieve by regular exercise, correct lifestyle, staying active through the day, balance diet, healthy eating habit. Through fitness, you can perform various tasks without getting tired, being able to recover quickly from exertion.. Many peoples ignore fitness due to their busy schedule or being so lazy to perform fitness activity. Even people don't maintain a balanced diet in their lifestyle. Some peoples lifestyle is very poor.  Being fit is a primary thing in our day to day life as health should be our first priority. We should take the responsibility of our health and lifestyle. By ignoring our fitness, we are going to grip up into numerous diseases. Exercise and correct Diet is only alternative to being fit . Physical fitness can be achieved from proper nutrition, moderate exercise and sufficient rest 


There are numerous benefits to engaging in regular fitness activities, both physical and mental. 

1 Improved cardiovascular health

2 Increased muscle strength and endurance

3 Enhanced flexibility and mobility

4 Weight management

5 Reduced risk of chronic diseases

6 Improved mental health

7 Better sleep quality

8 Increased longevity


Two types of fitness are main and necessary for well being of  human beings are physical fitness and mental well being

How we can achieve physical fitness ?

Physical fitness can be achieved through regular exercise , proper diet , and sufficient sleep .It is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. automation and changes in lifestyles, physical fitness is now considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work . Automation and changes in lifestyles, physical fitness is now considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work . Only exercise and only diet is not sufficient . being fit is the outcome of all aspects . but mainly it is the diet which play a important role in our well being . we can say it is 80/20 rule in which we have to consider 80 % diet and 20% exercise but this condition is not same if you are athlete or want to increase endurance and strength then you have to much focus on physical exercise or vigorous exercise and also a balanced diet . In case if you want improve strength you have to exert yourself  fully completely on physical fitness and diets of high protein should be your priority.  

Some of the Physical exercise are 
1 Working on elliptical trainer
2 Walking
3 Swimming
4 Cycling 
5 Weight training
6 Isometric exercise
7 Sprinting
8 Treadmill

How we can achieve Mental well being  ?

Mental well being now days are a important aspects of  fitness as it play a crucial role in our lifestyle 
Mental fitness can be defined as having and maintaining a state of well-being and cultivating awareness of how we think, behave and feel. Mental well-being refers to the state of our overall emotional, psychological, and social wellness  Mental fitness means keeping your brain and emotional health in tip-top shape. Many people today suffering as they are mentally upset , overthinking , have anxiety and depression and lot of stress so mentally well being is so crucial as it affect our daily lifestyle and also our physical health . People who have good mental well-being are more likely to experience positive emotions, have better relationships, and achieve their goals. Mental health comes first  across all . 
There are many things we can do to improve our mental well-being, such as practicing self-care, seeking support from loved ones or professionals, engaging in activities we enjoy, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress. It is important to prioritize our mental well-being just as we prioritize our physical health.

Ways to boost your  Mental fitness

1 Meditation
2 Rest your mind. Relax to music or a sleep story.
3 Tune out the noise.
4 Prioritize sleep.
5 Create routine and ritual. 
6 Listen to the wise voice within.
7 Notice when you’re ruminating and choose presence.

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